Resource base


  • Air temperature: average annual temperature: +9.1 °C (+48.4 °F), maximum +42°C (+108 °F), minimum -37 °C (-34.6 °F);
  • The annual precipitation is 508–640 mm
  • Ground freezing depth is 0.8 m
  • The district’s seismic activity based on SNiP regulations and the seismic microzonation map, 6 points
  • The wind directions are east and northeast


Fresh water

  • Fresh water reserves: 450 thousand cubic meters per month (insufficient)


  • Chernozems. There are 208,007 hectares of agricultural land, including 197,100 hectares of arable land

Recreational resources

  • Kushchyovskaya district is a border area in Krasnodar region, serving as a key hub for cargo and passenger transportation.
  • It is the first region to welcome guests traveling from central and western regions of Russia.
  • The district is located on the banks of the Yeya river and has more than 200 historical and cultural monuments.

The field of Cossack glory

One of the highlights of the district is the Field of Cossack Glory. This site was created to honor the Kuban Cossacks who protected the Caucasus from the fascists. It features a memorial showcasing the Cossack history, a chapel, and traditional farmsteads displaying everyday items.

Bugely Urochishche and Krasnaya Gorka Urochishche

Both areas have great recreational opportunities. Variety of plant and animal life will enable you to appreciate the beauty of the natural surroundings.

One of the most beautiful phenomena at the end of April at the natural monument Bugely Urochishche is the blooming of caragana. Bright yellow flowers, which fill the landscape with rich colors and fill the air with a unique aroma, also have other useful properties.

The Church of St. John the Theologian

In the village of Kushchyovskaya, there is a church St. John the Theologian. This church is known for its beauty and grandeur, attracting tourists. It was constructed on the grounds where an old wooden temple once stood, which was destroyed during the Great Patriotic War.