Competitive advantages

  • The North Caucasian Railway and the M-4 highway passing through the Kushchyovskaya district connect the central part of Russia with the South and the North Caucasus
  • Proximity to the Azov-Black Sea coast
  • Proximity to regional centers, Rostov-on-Don (80 km) and Krasnodar (180 km)
  • Crossing of gas and oil pipelines
  • Convenient logistics location, enabling the organization of river-sea transportations
  • Vast flat areas
  • The temperature conditions support the growth of crops like grains and oilseeds, as well as the development of livestock farming
  • Low environmental stress
  • Soil erosion hazard is insignificant
  • Fertile chernozems
  • As of August 1, 2024, there are 65,620 people living in Kushchyovskaya district, and they’re all permanent residents.
  • The population breakdown in Kushchyovskaya district includes a total of
  • 6,554 children under 6, 7,751 school-aged adolescents, 7,866 young adults, 28,225 middle-aged adults, 14,305 senior citizens, and 919 long-livers over 80. There are 29,450 men (44.88%) and 36,170 women (55.12%) residing in the district
  • Education:
  • 23.3% (15,289 people) have completed higher education, 2.5% (1,641 people) have incomplete higher education, 35.8% (23,492 people) have vocational education after high school, 18.0% (11,812 people) have completed 11 grades, 8.7% (5,709 people) have completed 9 grades, and the remaining 7.7% (5,053 people) fall into other categories
  • The district mainly focuses on traditional agricultural activities, with the 90% of its land being suitable for farming (arable land)
  • Industrial production within the gross municipal product increased significantly by 2.4 times in 2023 compared to 2018
  • Annual growth rates for trade and service sector indicators
  • Stable investment growth in the district will be achieved through the reconstruction and modernization of existing businesses, as well as by attracting new investors
  • Coworking Center
  • Municipal Entrepreneurship Support Center
  • Investment and Small Business Interaction Department of Kushchyovskaya district
  • A list of municipal properties in Kushchyovskaya district that are free from third-party rights, except for small businesses’ property rights, and are designated for long-term transfer to SMEs and organizations supporting SME infrastructure