Project implementation agreement was concluded in frames of International Investment Forum "Sochi 2016" between administration of the municipal formation of Starominsky District and LLC "Pancrol Yug".
Currently, rabbit-breeding minifarm, which responded to the world level of rabbit meat production, came on stream. The feed factory has been already build. Equipment manufacturing for rabbit-breeding farms is organized. The slaughterhouse is under construction. Foundation for the construction of rabbit-breeding fallopian selective farm is ready.
Total investment volume is 100 mln rub. Project capacity of the enterprise is 72 tons of meat and 900 tons of animal feedstuff per year. There are already about 70 workplaces on the enterprises.
The project "Pancrol Yug" is expected to be realized at the end of 2017.
- The project is unique for the South of Russia. Mission of the company is to revive rabbit-breeding field by establishing agricultural co-operative. Small rural entities and large enterprises will be included into the co-operative, - was noted in regional Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry of Krasnodar region.